Mike Schultz

Chief Operating Officer
  • Age: 26
  • Experience: 15 years
  • Specialization: Operation Management
  • Favorite Aircraft: Airbus A320


    About Me

    The Executive Vice President of Operations / Chief Operating Officer (COO) is appointed by the CEO and is responsible for managing day-­­to-­­day operations (Events, Schedules, Route Development, Fleet, and Hub Operations) of the organization. He/she is a member of the executive management team and assists with the development and achievement of all organizational goals.

    The COO’s primary function is to ensure that the airline runs smoothly. He makes executive decisions regarding matters such as the purchase of additional modules from suppliers or the creation of new modules as needed to support the organization. Is intimately aware of all functions of the airline crew center and has the authority to make changes to the crew center as functionally needed.

    Specific Responsibilities include:
    • Overseeing and directing hub/focus city activities and ensuring compliance with company directives and policies.
    • Recommending the modification of existing or implementation of revised policies, procedures, and programs based on operations/organizational status.
    • Working with the Director of Corporate Events to organize and release new events.
    • Working with the Director of Training Operations to provide up–­to–­date operations information.
    • Ensure the technological needs of the pilots are being met across the organization as a whole.


    As the COO, I firmly believe that teamwork is the engine driving our operational success. In our organization, every department functions as a part of a larger, cohesive unit. We emphasize cross-functional collaboration, ensuring that all teams work seamlessly towards our common goals. By fostering a culture of mutual respect and shared responsibility, we enable our employees to leverage each other’s strengths, streamline processes, and enhance efficiency. This collaborative spirit not only boosts productivity but also drives our collective achievement and operational excellence.

    Self-development is integral to our company’s growth and adaptability. As the COO, I am committed to creating an environment where every employee has the opportunity to learn, grow, and advance their skills. We invest in training programs, mentorship, and professional development initiatives that empower our workforce to reach their full potential. Encouraging self-development ensures that our team remains agile, innovative, and equipped to meet the challenges of a constantly evolving business landscape. By prioritizing continuous improvement, we build a resilient and forward-thinking organization.

    Sociality plays a crucial role in building a positive and inclusive workplace. As the COO, I advocate for a culture where social interactions and team-building activities are not just encouraged but are a vital part of our organizational fabric. We organize regular social events, community service activities, and team outings that allow employees to connect on a personal level. These interactions strengthen our internal bonds, foster a sense of belonging, and enhance employee satisfaction. A socially engaged workforce is more cohesive, motivated, and aligned with our company’s values and objectives.


    Strategic Planning 90%
    Leadership and Team Management 75%
    Operational Efficiency 77%
    Communication and Interpersonal Skills 81%